Susie Renshaw Counselling in Cambridge

Supervision and Reflective Practice


I bring over 20 years' experience of counselling and therapy to my supervision practice. I am highly experienced in university counselling and have worked in four very different higher education institutions. I have also gained a wealth of experience in workplace counselling and providing longer-term therapy to a wide range of clients in my private practice.

I successfully completed a Diploma in Supervision in April 2022 with Cambridge Supervision Training. This is a comprehensive and accredited 15-month training programme.

I can provide supervision to counsellors, therapists, health professionals and anyone in a welfare or wellbeing role.

If you are interested in supervision with me, please contact me with any questions you may have and to arrange a initial meeting to talk about the possibility of working together.

Reflective Practice

I also facilitate reflective practice sessions, for groups and individuals. Reflective practice sessions can be offered fortnightly, monthly or can be tailored to the needs of the organisation or the individual. Please do get in touch for more information.

Supervision and Reflective Practice. BACP logo 2022


BACP Registered and Accredited Counsellor, Therapist and Supervisor working in central Cambridge



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